Conditions of Entry
Well behaved Pets are welcome on a limited number of powered and unpowered camping and caravan sites at the Manager's discretion..
Pets are not permitted inside our buildings, that includes the toilets and showers.
Rules for Pets
Pets must be kept on leads with a maximum length of 2 meters. Leads are to be secured or held at all times.
The only exception to being off is if you have a secure enclosed area for your pet within your caravan, annex or site. This will be strictly enforced.
Cats are to be secured in your van or tent by dusk and must have a bell on their collar.
With the exception of our specific pet-friendly designated camping spots, pets are NOT allowed into any other park accommodation or toilets and showers.
Pets are not to be left in the park without their owners (tied up or elsewhere). Take your pet with you whenever you leave the Park.
Pets must be supervised at all times.
For health and safety reasons pets are not allowed to be washed or cleaned anywhere within the park other than the designated dog wash area. Additionally, any pet-related accessories such as dog blankets etc should not be washed or cleaned within the park.
Pet owners agree to accept full liability for any personal injury or damages caused by their pet (directly or indirectly) whilst in the confines of Caravan & Camping in Queensland and agree to pay for any claims of compensation in relation to their pet or pet's activities or actions.
The pet owner must agree that the park owner/manager reserves the right to evict any guests whose pet is deemed noisy, disruptive or aggressive or the subject of complaints from other guests.
Droppings and other pet waste must be cleaned up immediately, tied in a plastic bag and placed in a bin.
Please do not allow your pet to urinate or defecate on any other guest's site or property.
All visitors staying with pets will abide by these conditions at all times whilst in the park. The manager reserves the right to terminate your stay in the event of failure to comply (no refunds).